What are continuous line drawings?
Continuous line drawings, or one-line drawings, are a way of expressing shapes using a single unbroken line. Once you start, the only rule is that the pen never leaves the paper until the drawing is finished.
What makes them special?
They are an excellent way of simplifying the world around us by only showing what is essential. Simple does not mean limiting though: they come in many different levels of complexity depending on the artist.
Who made the first line drawings?
Probably cavemen… Did you draw as a child? Weren’t they made with lines before you could paint them? We can say line drawings are the basis of art.
Who made them famous?
If we had to take a shot at it, we’d say Pablo Picasso. Did you happen to see the Penguin? It was 1907 when he drew the serigraph in a series of animal paintings.
Why did you pick this style?
It matched our idea of using a minimalist form of expression.
What does that penguin look like?
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